If you're a golfer, you've probably lost a club on the course. This can happen when you take more than one club with you for a shot, especially around the greens. It's common to take a shot; lay your club down, putt, and end up leaving your club behind. Driving back to the players behind you to ask if they've seen your club interrupts your game and if you can't find it... it could cost you $100 to $200 a new club.
If this sounds familiar, you need ClubzUp. ClubzuUp's patented design solves this problem by allowing you to place your clubs in a safe, upright and visible position. ClubzUp is fast, effective and easy to use. Just slip ClubzUp over the end of the club's grip, and insert the ClubzUp spikes into the grass. To remove, simply tilt the club back then forward loosening the spikes and lift. Then just place ClubzUp in your pocket. It's that simple.
Works In high rough, low rough, middle of the fairway, even sloped lies.... all while keeping your grips clean and dry.
Why buy the other golf club caddies. ClubzUp works better than the clips and stands on the market. It fits in your pocket and is the only club caddy you'll need on the golf course. ClubzUp is the favorite caddy product to keep golf club grips dry and golf clubs in sight. If you've tried using another golf club caddy and are unsatisfied, try ClubzUp. You'll be happy you did.
Protect your valued investment, keep your golf club grips dry and never lose another club with ClubzUp.