Wednesday, January 13, 2010

6 Tips To Cope With Isolation From One Successful Stay-At-Home-Mother

Ask any woman who’s had a baby and they’ll tell you it is the most rewarding experience of their lives. However, after months and months of spending your entire day with an infant, you begin to feel as though you are losing touch with the adult world, particularly if you are accustomed to a fast-paced work life.

Nowadays, many women put their careers first and wait until later in life to bear children. This transition from professional work to home life can be a surprisingly difficult transition. For most women, staying at home is about as different from their previous careers as you can imagine. Life at home can also be a shock because so many professional women never thought they’d end up there, couple that with the disappearance of the “extended family” and many stay-at-home-moms deal with feeling lonely.

After losing their colleagues at work, women often feel friendless and alone as they get used to their new job at home. Unless an effort is made to get out and meet people, mothers at home face days on end with no one to talk to but young, uncommunicative children. Without regular adult interaction, stay-at-home mothers may also feel as though they are losing their edge. Others may sense their intellect is slipping away from a lack of use. In some cases, isolation can make mothers feel so psychologically depleted they find it hard to cope with anything.

When you spend every waking moment of every day with your kids, the quantity of time you spend with them actually diminishes the quality of the time you get to share with them. I discovered that one profitable way to channel my energy was to start my own online business selling high-quality children’s clothing. I was amazed at how this process helped to keep my mind sharp which in turn improved the quality of time I spent with my children. After spending several months developing a website and locating a supplier Best Dressed Tots became a reality.

Here are 6 Tips to Help Maintain Your Sanity:

1. Find a project to help channel some of your energy to keep your mind
sharp. (This is the most important tip!) This will improve the quality of time you spend with your family.

2. Enroll into a course or class of interest. Taking a business class or seminar at your local college or community center can help sharpen your skills and provide the interaction you need to stay productive. Look into online options if getting out of the house is impossible.

3. Join a local gym or find a mother-toddler exercise class to help maintain your physical health. Exercise is crucial to your overall well being and will help break up the monotony of a long day home with the kids.

4. Stay connected by creating a blog. Today thousands of women write blogs that pivot on a variety of subjects. Blogging about your new experiences as a mother is a great way to express your thoughts and opinions.

5. Check into the events being held at your local library. Many local libraries offer a variety of classes, seminars, and shows for mothers and children to attend. You’ll be surprised at the range and quality of events your library may have available for free!

6. Occupy yourself with journal writing. This simple practice only requires a pencil and a notepad and will provide you with endless benefits.