Chickasha, OK (CNS) - Joe Francis, the creator behind the "Girls Gone Wild" adult video franchise, has accused guards at the Grady County Law Enforcement Center of abusing him during his stay at an Oklahoma prison facility.
Francis, 34, is currently in jail awaiting trail on charges of tax evasion, and his attorneys claim the guards denied him food and blankets and also threatened to strap him naked to a chair for 48 hours.
Francis has been in jail since April when a judge called for him to be held in contempt after yelling at an attorney during his trial. The trial came on the heels of a federal lawsuit brought on by two underage women who were filmed by Francis and his crew.
Francis was held at the Oklahoma facility from May 17 to June 4, while he was being moved from a Florida jail to a facility in Reno, Nevada. Grady County officials are denying all accusations of abuse.
"Mr. Francis was treated like every inmate that comes through the Grady County Law Enforcement Center," jail administrator Shane Wyatt told The Oklahoman newspaper.
Francis has made millions off the "Girls Gone Wild" films, which sends out a camera crew to patrol party-heavy areas in an effort to find college-age girls willing to participate in sexually provocative acts.
Original article source: http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7009251540