On the season finale of A Shot At Love WIth Tila Tequila.?
The Hills Finale Fake Out
Last night's "Season Finale" of The Hills was a total non-event. First of all, it wasn't even the end of Season Three. MTV can't simply let its ratings cash cow go off into the season-hiatus sunset—they must keep milking. Lauren "your boyfriend is an asshole" Conrad made the announcement: The Hills will live on with eight bonus episodes to air this spring. Do we care? Sure. Are we shocked? Not in the ever-loving slightest.
We're reserving our predictions on what excitement these episodes might bring, but the preview shows Lauren and far-cuter sidekick Whitney going to Paris to help out at some overblown debutante ball for Teen Vogue. Lauren learns bippy Brody has fallen into the arms of another woman following her departure for the City of Lights. Naturally, she rebounds into the arms of some French dude who smokes cigarettes and rides a motorcycle. It's so ineffably cliché, the preview alone got us tasting of over-sweetened bile. But, of course, we'll still watch and go through with the full vomit.
But wait! There's a whole episode left to review ...
Passive aggressive was the theme of last night's show—which is just to say it was more psychology than action.
Before the Paris trip was booked, Whitney alone was tapped to go to Paris, and Lauren was left to her bitter, mopey self. Lisa Love was in fine form, zinging about how Lauren already had her chance to go to Paris. Then—surprise!—more help is needed at the big event, and Lauren gets to go, too. Lisa Love blathers on about how mystical the city is, how she ran away to Paris when she was 15, how it changed her life. But in the after-show, we learn that Lisa Love went to Paris by selling her prized snakeskin boots to pay her way! This only cements our love for Lisa. We also learned from the after-show that Lauren has joined the Marc Jacobs backlash, now saying that Phillip Lim, not MJ, is her fave designer. A bit harsh after he completely sold out and made an appearance on the show.
The drama's mildly heated, like Lauren's having a hard time leaving her non-relationship with Brody, but it's totally fake, of course, as Brody has cut his hair too short and doesn't even look hot. He lays claim to the episode's cheesiest line ("you can't be going to the airport looking this cute"), and all is gladly lost: Lauren heads of to Paris.
There's more Heidi and Spencer drama, and Spencer's desperate sister sneaks her face on TV some more. At show's end, Satan's favorite couple decides to take some space and Heidi heads home to Colorado to think about how she sold her soul. Then there are all these closing shots of her on the highway, driving alone and strong in her convertible, blonde hair blowing, just a chick on the open road. This is typically Lauren's female empowerment shot, but it's been snaked by Heidi here! Is Heidi the new Lauren?
Also, last night's episode was shorter than usual with the crazies from The Hills After Show book ending every commercial break to talk their nonsense and stretch the thin content across 22 minutes. How will they manage to do that for another eight episodes? We'll always have Paris.
Original article source: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071206073345AAUjH5b