And we kind of do, too. (Speidi kind of doesn’t—more on that later.) Turns out Whitney isn’t going to Paris alone, this season isn’t over, and there are hills in Paris. Whitney unintentionally (she didn’t mean to, right?) rubbed the Paris trip in Lauren’s face. Audrina’s reaction, though, was totally more appropriate: she dumbly grinned, while murmuring possibly English words (apparently there’s a seventy-first time for everything). Lisa Love called Lauren into her office, told her she’d need a second body in Paris (she didn’t even ask Lauren if she wanted to go—it was just assumed), and took her own trip down Memory Lane as she recounted that one time when she was fifteen and she ran away from home to go to Paris. It changed her life. And this trip may just change Lauren’s, too!
It’s Spedi, though, who really needs some life-changing. Post-fight, Heidi reported to Kimberley and Spencer reported to She-Pratt. Being the bigger gremlin, I mean, person, Spencer went to Bolthouse where Kimberley told him Heidi left early even though she was tragically sitting at her desk. The confrontation didn’t happen until Speidi met at the mutual territory that is their apartment. It was too late, though. Heidi was already involved in a poignant packing montage.
Just because their storylines are different doesn’t mean Lauren and Heidi’s sagas can’t thematically overlap. As Lauren packed for Paris (and got some invaluable language tips from Audrina), Heidi packed for Colorado. It was generous of Spencer to offer Heidi the apartment, but Heidi told him she needed to go home for space. Spencer left and Heidi gave the despondent look of an Emmy-hungry actress. The Speidi wedding may be postponed, but The Hills, which will miraculously return with the rest of its third season as it follows Lauren in Paris, goes on seemingly forever, much like life itself.
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